Viewing School of Rehabilitation Therapy


The School of Rehabilitation Therapy at Queen’s University is committed to leading and inspiring positive changes that transform lives through rehabilitation research, education and practice. As part of this commitment, our core mission is to educate occupational therapists, physiotherapists and rehabilitation scientists who contribute to health and well-being globally through collaboration, creativity, and the discovery of new knowledge. We are recognized nationally and internationally for our excellent faculty, high-quality professional and research programs, and the ways in which our scholarship contributes to the lives of people affected by or at risk of disability.

Featured Giving Opportunities

Established by the School of Rehabilitation Therapy to receive gifts in support of bursary assistance from alumni, ... (Learn More) Established by the School of Rehabilitation Therapy to receive gifts in support of bursary assistanc ... (Learn More)
The Dr. Malcolm Peat Lectureship was established in memory and recognition of former Queen's School of Rehabilitati ... (Learn More) The Dr. Malcolm Peat Lectureship was established in memory and recognition of former Queen's School ... (Learn More)
Established by Alumni and friends of the School of Rehabilitation Therapy to provide grants to help students meet t ... (Learn More) Established by Alumni and friends of the School of Rehabilitation Therapy to provide grants to help ... (Learn More)
Established by Sandra Olney, M.Ed. 1974, to provide the Director of the School of Rehabilitation Therapy discretion ... (Learn More) Established by Sandra Olney, M.Ed. 1974, to provide the Director of the School of Rehabilitation The ... (Learn More)