Queen's Health Sciences Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Fund

The Queen's Health Sciences Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Indigeneity, and Accessibility (EDIIA) Fund has been set up to launch and develop governance, policies, and programming that promotes EDIIA Initiatives across the Faculty.
We are very grateful that the QHS EDI Giving Fund has supported QHS EDIIA Initiatives including the work of the Office of Equity and Social Accountability and the Office of Indigenous Health. In November 2022, a physical space (The Nest) was opened and now acts as the home of EDIIA Initiatives for QHS. Our work is guided by the QHS EDIIA Action Plan. We have supported learner, faculty and staff EDIIA activities of many kinds. Over the past year these have included the formation of a QHS EDIIA Champions Program, hosting of an annual QHS EDIIA General Assembly, formation of and support for EDIIA action committees and hosting EDIIA committee meetings and special events.